Experienced in Run/Walk/Run
CPR/First Aid Certified

Favorite distance – 10 -12K are my favorite but most races don’t have this distance. Not just bout how fast you can run so it challenges my endurance level without the extra distance. 

Why you wanted to become a coach - I have always loved being able to help others reach their goals and I also love being around others who love running. Nothing beat the feeling of watching an athlete you work with finally hit the goal they have been working towards!

Favorite runners – Dawn White - She shows how running can change your life both physically and mentally. Roscoe Griffin - he has taught me how I can reach for my goals and not to let physical issues get in your way of success but to be able to adapt and move forward.

Favorite quote - “If you run, you’re a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far."

Why it is important to train with a coach – A coach is someone in your life who can see your training and races and be unbiased, this unbiased person can push you to places that your mind tells you that you cannot go. A coach is someone who believes in you even when you do not believe in yourself. 

Other hobbies – Crafting (Crafts by Linda), Jeep Club and hanging with friends.

Family/pets – Husband-Harvey, 2 Children (Stephanie & Cecil) 3 Grandchildren and Two Fur Babies: Stella & Sophie 

Favorite race – San Francisco Half Marathon 

Hardest part of training – For me and many others, is keeping consistent and making myself accountable to me and not let life get in the way of my goals. 

Some random facts about me – I’m a marathoner. I started running when I was 55 years old. I have run countless 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons and one full marathon.

Other facts - I am Technology Specialist for GCSD as my day job. I love the beach but not always the sand. I’m a HGTV junkie and can watch it all day if I have nothing else to do. I love spending time with my family. I’m new to the Jeep community and am enjoying Jeep Jams and showing my jeep in competitions.  

Favorite sayings – “Don’t let anyone get inside your head.” “Take one day at a time, the rest will follow.” “Be your own biggest fan”.