Race date: May 4th.
Registration opens: February 15th at 8pm
In- Person Registration Closes: April 11th at 11:59pm or when the event is sold out (700 racers), whichever comes first.
Bib pick up:
- Bib Pick Up #1: April 29th @ Trek Store of Anchorage 5:30 - 7pm
- Bib Pick Up #2: May 1st @ Ak Cycle Chic and Alpine Fit 5:30 - 7pm
Awards Party: May 5th @ TBD 6:30-8:00pm -
Please note that you can have someone else pick up your bib for you!
Timing Chips: In order to account for the wide range of bikes and styles we are going with a Triathlon style ankle strap "ankle monitor". You will get your timing chip at the entrance of the starting chute. A volunteer will help attach it to your left ankle with the blue pod out. THESE MUST BE RETURNED AFTER COMPLETING YOUR RACE. Look for the results/tag return tent across from the merchandise tent. Any results provided will be unofficial until official results are posted after the event.
Helmets: ALL riders must wear an approved (Snell, ANSI, or US CPSC) bicycle helmet. No exceptions! This is for your safety. Helmets must be worn at all times while on the bike, even while warming up in parking lot or riding from your vehicle to the start area.
SELF SERVICE CHANGES TO RACER INFO: If you accidentally entered info incorrectly or picked the wrong size jersey, fear not, you can update it yourself. HERE is a explanation on how to update your event info via your RSU profile.
Keep in mind jersey sizes are locked in after March 5th due to order turnaround.
CHANGE TO VIRTUAL: If you are signed up for the live event, you can switch to the virtual event until May 5th. We will allow switching from virtual to the live until the event is full or April 11th whichever comes first.
1 - Log into Your RunSignup Account here: runsignup.com/Login
2 - Go to Your Profile:
3 - Click transfer event.
Allowable Bikes: All bikes must be in safe, working condition. E-bikes and tandems are not allowed in the live race. Please contact the race director at info@bike4women.com if you have special circumstances that warrant the need for one of these bikes. PARENTS: Bike trailers and shotgun seats are not allowed. A Trail-A-Bike with one wheel and pedals are the only allowed attachments (Both riders attached to the trail-a-bike must be registered for the race).
Other Safety Issues: No iPods, MP3 players, air pods, ear buds, or headphones permitted.
Start Time: Your start time indicates the time of day you will start the ride. This is a “time trial” style start which means each rider is sent out individually. A rider is started every 20 seconds beginning at 9:30 a.m. Side by side riding is not permitted; if you are riding with a friend, family member, or group and have indicated this on your registration your start times will be grouped together, however each rider will start on a different 20-second interval (i.e. 3 riders in a group: rider #1 starts 11:05.20, rider #2 starts 11:05.40, rider #3 starts 11:06.00). You can pass one another but you CANNOT ride side by side.
Riding the Course: The course is on Birchwood Loop Road, a paved road. Stay close to the shoulder as the road is still open to cars. Drafting behind another rider is not allowed. You should stay at least 30 feet behind the rider in front of you to avoid drafting. If you are faster than the rider ahead of you, move slightly into the roadway (making sure there are no cars behind you before passing), quickly pass the slower rider, then return to the shoulder of the road. Do not ride side by side! If you are riding with family or friends at a recreational pace, ride single file so cars will not be impeded and faster cyclists can safely pass you. Remember to be alert for cars. The yellow line rule is in effect, i.e. riders are not allowed to cross over the centerline of the road. Police officers and/or flaggers will be at the Birchwood Loop/ Birchwood Spur intersection and at the turnaround stopping traffic. Make sure they waive you through the intersection before proceeding
Pre-riding the Course: If you choose to pre-ride the course, please be aware that the road, particularly the shoulders, is not swept until the day before the race. (We are always in need of volunteers to help with the sweeping if you are interested in helping!) Also, please be very considerate of the residents in the community—obey all traffic laws, do not ride side by side, and stay to the right.
Finish: The timed finish will be on Birchwood Loop Road just prior to reaching the north entrance back into the school parking lot. At the finish, you will be directed into a coned-off chute. After passing the finish line, immediately slow down. DO NOT TURN INTO TRAFFIC. STOP and WAIT for the police officer at the main entrance to the school to direct you across the road back into the parking lot.
Medical Help: Medical assistance will be available at the main event area at Chugiak High School. If you need assistance or feel ill before, during, or after the ride, immediately notify a volunteer. Volunteers will be wearing safety vests. There will be volunteers in the staging area/parking lot, at intersections and along the course.
Access to the School: Our permit allows us to use the parking lot, but we cannot access the school. Port-a-potties will be available in the parking lot. Limited bottled water will be available onsite, but please bring your water bottles filled. Water will not be provided along the course.
Parking: Both the east and west parking lots at the high school will be open. You can enter and depart through the main entrance only. Please watch out for bikers as they move through the parking area to the start line and as they cross Birchwood loop and enter into the parking lot at the end of their race.
Results: Official results will be posted on the Monday following the event on this website.
Award Categories:
• Top 5 overall
• Top 3 overall Juniors (14 and under)
• Top 3 in each age division:
9 & under, 10 - 14, 15 - 19, 20 -24, 25 - 29, 30 – 34, 35 - 39, 40 - 44, 45- 49, 50 - 54,
55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65 - 69, 70 -74, 75-79, 80+