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2025 Giro Della Montagna

Sun August 31, 2025 Saint Louis, MO 63110 US Directions

Rider Support

Route Navigation
All routes are marked with arrows. Ride with GPS files. PDF's for you to print. 

IMPORTANT - do not rely on one single navigational tool. We do our best to keep you on track, but please familiarize yourself with the routes before the event. 

All Trailnet Classics rides use the TraQ Central app to manage and dispatch mechanical calls. Within the app, riders can drop a pin at their exact location and enter a note about the assistance they need. Our support vehicles use this GPS location and can arrive in minutes. The app is free for use on any iOS or Android device.

It is always a best practice to head out on any ride with what you need for minor repairs, but if you need anything further, we are one click away. Download TraQ Central free for Android or iOS


Rest Stops
Rest stops are spaced approximately every 15 miles. These rest stops are stocked with snacks and hydration and are designed to supplement anything you are already carrying. It is always smart to carry extra snacks.

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