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Head Over Teal 5K & 10K

Sat September 28, 2024 Hoover, AL 35226 US
Team Fundraiser

The Flying Teals

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Your support helps fund research women who are undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer.

Welcome to my Fundraising Page!!!

Thank you for supporting our runners during the 15th Annual Head Over Teal Race taking place during September's GYN Cancer Awareness Month!  If you would like to join us as a runner please click here!

LCBF focuses on early detection research, awareness education, and support services for GYN cancer patients and families. Since our founding in 2009, we have:

  • provided emotional, educational, and direct financial support to thousands of GYN cancer patients, survivors, and co-survivors 
  • educated tens of thousands of Alabamians on GYN cancer prevention, signs & symptoms, and risk factors
  • granted more than $750,000 for ovarian cancer early detection research

From our Survivors:

"Thank you and the Laura Crandall Brown Foundation for the information and gift I received in the mail. This package came on the right day and second I needed it the most. I am speechless on how to express just how much this kind gesture has truly touched my life. I was struggling with the recovery from the cancer surgery and prayed for something to help me get over the pain I was enduring. Your package arrived that night. God Bless you all for helping women to not feel alone in this world with GYN cancer."

"Everything is overwhelming during this journey but stay the course and the results will be worth all the pain and apprehension. You are stronger than you realize and you will look back on this as a gift because of change and outlook to life, family, and the love you give and receive."

"Cancer does not define who you are- continue living life to the fullest and never give up."

"Don't consider it an ending, but a change leading to a new beginning."

The Flying Teals Team Members

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