The Rules
Qualification Standards & Rules
The following rules only preclude runners from earning award money.
Any runner who does not meet the qualification standards may still enter the race as an “official bandit.” As an “Official Bandits” you will also be listed in the results.
Except for awarding wining positions in reverse order, this is a race like any other marathon, therefore all results will be posted on our website. In addition we will submit these to any magazine or site that accepts race results.
Qualification Rules to Win Prize Money:
- You cannot be a first-time marathoner. You can still participate, however the awards are reserved for those who have a proven track record of high-duration marathons. As a first-time marathoner, you also have the unfair advantage of “not knowing what you’re getting yourself into,” and that’s just an unfair advantage for this race.
- If you have ever officially completed the Boston Marathon (even if for charity), you can gain entry into the race as an “Official Bandit.” Official Bandit participants ARE NOT eligible to compete for award money and for one of the three slowest finishes at 2Slow4Boston.
- With the addition of the virtual version to this race, although your registration contributes to the prize purse, your virtual participantion will preclude you from earning award money, also gaining entry into the race as an “Official Bandit”. However, just like the race day event, we are awarding a trophy (and bragging rights) to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place virtual finishers (remember this is the last 3 slowest times).
- You must also be SLOWER than the times listed below for your age. This standard will be applied to marathons you’ve run the prior year. As we do your background check, we will match your times (and your age at the time of each marathon) with the chart below. ULTRA FINISHES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
- You may not exit the “official race” boundaries during the race. Boundaries will be explained in further detail during the course briefing. You will NOT be penalized for getting lost though. This rule is to prevent people from running a quick 25-something miles, leaving to go take a nap and/or do some grocery shopping, then coming back to finish the last little bit and collecting some award money.
- Breaks at the start/finish area may not last longer than 5-minutes at-a-time or a cumulative time of 30-minutes. This technically means we’ll be timing your poops. If a stop longer than allowed is needed, you must notify the race director or assigned staff of your intentions.
You may not set up a tent or any kind of primitive structure on the course. We aren’t hippies and this isn’t an ultra. - Runner activity on the course is limited to activity conducive to marathon running. For example, no swinging at the playground, spectating at surrounding events, and no fishing.
- If, during the 2Slow4Boston Marathon, any runners finish in times which are faster than their qualifying times, they will be precluded from receiving award money.
- Early or late starts will preclude you from earning award money.
- The Race Director may participate in the race. He or she must pay an entry fee, but MAY NOT COLLECT ANY AWARD MONEY. RD family members are also precluded from receiving award money. The RD and/or any of his or her family members must also meet all other criteria for entry into this event.
Be advise that the Race Director reserves the right to precluded any participant from receiving award money if they are found to be abusing these rules.
Qualifying times for 2Slow4Boston (Must be slower than these times)

In the Event of a Tie:
Every effort will be made to determine the “winners;” however, in the case of one or more ties, the percentage of award money given to each runner will be adjusted. A tie at any level will not reduce the amount of award money for any other level, other than how it may make one level redundant (ex. If there is a two-way tie for slowest runner, the next slowest runner will be the third slowest runner, and there will not be a second slowest runner). Other examples are as follows: If there is a two-way tie for the slowest runner, each runner will receive 42.5%, while the 3rd slowest runner still earns 15%. If there is a two-way tie for the slowest runner and a two-way tie for the 3rd slowest runner, the two slowest runners will still receive 42.5% each, and the two 3rd slowest runners will receive 7.5% each. If there is a three-way tie (or more) for the slowest runner, each runner in the tie will receive an equal share. If there is a two-way tie for the second slowest runner, the slowest runner receives 50% and the two second slowest runners each receive 25%. All other scenarios will follow the same pattern as these examples.