Since 1905, Greenville Utilities has been an integral part of Greenville and Pitt County, growing and progressing along with our expanding service area.
GUC provides electric, water, sewer and natural gas services to the City of Greenville and 75% of Pitt County. We serve a combined total of nearly 168,000 customer connections. Greenville Utilities is owned by the citizens of Greenville but operates under a separate charter issued by the N.C. General Assembly.
We are governed by an eight-member Board of Commissioners. The Board is responsible for approving rates, development plans, and the annual budget as well as setting operating and extension policies. Policies are implemented by the General Manager/CEO. The City Manager serves as a full voting member; five other Board members are nominated by the City Council, and two are nominated by the County Commissioners. All Board members are approved by the City Council.
Our highly-experienced Management Team is dedicated to working together to operate GUC in the best interest of our customers.