Rewinding a bit, thanks to my dad, I've had a camera in my hands since age five.  I pursued my first career in business rather than the arts, yet I always leaned into my creative process as a leader.  While winding down a lengthy and rewarding career as a healthcare executive, I returned to art school, at least initially, as a personal enrichment endeavor.  After leaving CEO life in 2018, I wrapped up my BFA in commercial photography and launched my studio full-time.

Like many, I have never loved myself in photos and know firsthand the unease of having my photograph taken.  I needed marketing photographs that I didn't worry over and second-guess.  As I studied and practiced the craft of image making, I learned a lighting technique and coaching process that transformed my own unflattering headshot into a beautiful, empowering image I am proud to spread around.  Now, I help professionals elevate their images to match their expertise and feel amazing in the process.  

I understand the demands of running the show, be it your own or someone else's, and relate to conveying your unique brand effectively and authentically.  Whether it's you or your entire team, I'm here for you.

Let's work together!