Team Captain Info
Register yourself first and create your team, then recruit people to join your team.
Your commitment as a team captain is one of the most vital positions to the success of our walk and health expo, so we thank you for your partnership and your dedication.
Your donations and fundraising efforts are always welcome and are voluntary. We encourage all participants to fundraise. (Team members are encouraged to raise a minimum of $100) Additional funds raised directly support local programs providing survivor support, screenings and educational outreach. We appreciate your support.
In your role as team captain, you will serve as the liaison to the team coordinator and your team members. It is our desire to give you the tools and resources necessary to be a successful leader offering your team members an unforgettable experience.
Check back soon for the Pre-Walk T-shirt pick up Schedule
Check back soon for important Walk Day Information and Schedule of Events
*** TEAM CONTEST: The best dressed team/and or creative dressed team at the walk will be recognized. ***
Team Captain Resources
Team Captain Packet - Team Captain welcome letter
Online Registration Instructions - how to register and join a team
Share Fundraising Link - how to share fundraising link using cell phone to request donations
View Donations - how to view fundraising donations
Fundraising Ideas - fundraising tips and ideas