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The Izzo Run/Walk/Roll

East Lansing, MI 48824 US

Cristo Rey Community Center is a non-profit safety net organization that provides access to basic needs such as food, personal care items and clothing, as well as medical care and counseling. Last year, Cristo Rey provided more than 154,000 services and served over 50,000 meals to families and individuals in the Lansing area, which is more than a 50% increase over the previous year.

The Food Access programs and Personal Needs Pantry have seen the most drastic increases in numbers, due to high costs of food and essentials affecting vulnerable populations. Last year, there was a 200% increase in demand for the Food Access Programs and over a 300% increase in utilization of the Personal Needs and Baby Pantry. Over 267,000 pounds of food was distributed through the Community Kitchen, Food Pantry and Bread Rack. The Personal Needs Pantry served over 60,000 clients and distributed around 106,000 diapers. This need has only continued into 2025.

Cristo Rey Community Center - Checks can be made out/addressed to "Cristo Rey Community Center" and mailed to 1717 N High St, Lansing, MI 48906

Holy Cross Services - Checks can be made out/addressed to "Holy Cross Services" and mailed to 1030 N River Rd, Saginaw, MI 48609

Greater Lansing Food Bank - Checks can be made out/addressed to "Greater Lansing Food Bank" and mailed to PO Box 16224, Lansing, MI 48901

Small Talk Children's Advocacy Center - Checks can be made out/addressed to "Small Talk Children's Advocacy Center" and mailed to 3400 Pine Tree Rd, Suite 106, Lansing, MI 48911

Southside Community Kitchen - Checks can be made out/addressed to "Southside Community Kitchen" and mailed to PO Box 80844, Lansing, MI 48908

*For all other charities - Checks can be made out to that charity's name as displayed below and mailed to Playmakers, Attn: The Izzo Legacy, 2299 W Grand River Ave, Okemos, MI 48864

Top Donors

$391 Raised By 13 Donors

$100 in honor of Dr. Ronald Jakubiak
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$30 in honor of Christine Callahan
$30 from Anonymous
$30 in honor of Martin & Davis Family
$25 in honor of Helen Riendeau
$20 from Anonymous
$20 in honor of Tim Davis
$10 in honor of Denise McDuffey
$10 in honor of Don Hirn
$10 in honor of Douglas Pierce
$6 in honor of Sandy Browe!

Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

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