In Greek mythology, Jason and his companions "the Argonauts" embarked on a grand quest and perilous journey in pursuit of the golden fleece, which was to become a symbol of Jason's rightful authority and kingship.
Through our reception of the Sacrament of Baptism, we Catholics are blessed to share in Christ's mission and ministry as king. Christ's kingship is not one where our Divine Lord oppresses those under His rule, but one where He lovingly and humbly places Himself at the service of those in His charge.
By His grace, we who are united to Him in baptism strive to emulate His kingship with our participation in His ministry, and humbly place ourselves at the loving service of others, especially those in need.
Fellow members of St. Thomas More parish, and all those who wish to join us, we are being given an opportunity to further participate and share in Christ's ministry as king. We are being given the chance to place ourselves at the humble service of those in our care, to love them - and in turn - love Christ in them.
We are being invited by our Lord to embark on our own grand quest and perilous journey.
To run (or walk) a 5K.
Parishioners of St. Thomas More, and all those who wish to join us in our quest, let us answer this call to kingly service and virtuous heroism.
Let us say yes to demonstrating our love for God by and through our love for our neighbors.
Let's demonstrate the vibrancy of our faith by the works we carry out through God's grace.
The great work of running (or walking) a 5K.
P.S. - no boats will be permitted on the 5k run itself; the team title "Argonauts" is merely symbolic and not to be taken as legal permission for bringing a sea-bearing craft into a land race