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4 on the 4th Run to the Top

Fri July 4, 2025 Waddell, AZ 85355 US Directions

Refund Policy

We understand that sometimes life might take a wrong turn and prevent you from competing at an event. While we can't offer you a refund we would love to credit you for next years event as long as you volunteer for this years event as long as volunteer positions are available.

There are no bib transfers. Any bib transfers will be DQ.
No credits or refunds offered due to pandemic circumstances, weather delays or any other circumstances that are out of our control, this includes; event permits removed from park, city or other government entity.

If the event has to be rescheduled due to any of the above all entries will be transferred to next years event.

Our coupon policy is the following:
We reserve the right to offer or end a coupon at anytime. Our coupons will decrease in value as we get closer to race day. A newer/ future coupon will never have a higher price value than any previous coupons. Therefore, the most current coupon you see will be at the highest value offered.

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