Refund Policy
At any point leading up to race day, a Virtual 13.1 or 5K runner can upgrade to the Live 13.1 or 5K race. Participants will just pay the difference between the virtual race fee and the current live race fee. Should a live event not be permitted or feasible, we will allow all live runners to convert to the virtual race for free or to defer entry to another Track Club event, including the 2025 race of the same distance.
Please understand that, like with all major races, entry fees are strictly non-refundable, for any reason. This is because as we receive race fees, we pre-pay for insurance, three or more governmental permits, police and security, fences and barricades, cones and signs, portable restrooms, washing stations, hand sanitizer, food and water, medals, shirts, race timers and the timing company, race bibs, awards, non-volunteer course crew, and other related and necessary ancillary items.