Session 2 – For 11-13 year olds & 10 year olds with JO times
Session 3 – 14-18 year olds & 12-13 year olds that have Senior Champs times
5577 Abbott Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
Join us at Service High School for a one-time event that will give Alaska’s swimmers an opportunity to swim with and learn from Anthony Ervin, one of the greatest Olympic Swimmers of our time.
Anthony Ervin is the fastest swimmer on the planet. Ervin struck gold at the 2016 Rio Olympics, making history by reclaiming the Olympic title he first won as a teenager at the 2000 Sydney Games. After his win in Sydney, Ervin retired from the sport to find himself, setting off on a journey that was part spiritual quest, part self-destructive bender, involving Zen temples, motorcycles, tattoo parlors, and rock ‘n’ roll. Through this journey, Ervin explored a slew of identity labels that had plied his entire career: African-American yet passes for White, Jewish yet celebrates Christmas, the diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome, and the “rebel Olympian” image bolstered by auctioning off his 2000 gold medal to donate the proceeds to 2004 tsunami relief.
In 2012, after being away from the sport for over a decade, Ervin resurfaced to make not only the U.S. Olympic team but to swim faster than ever before. At the Rio Olympics in 2016, his circuitous comeback was complete: the oldest swimmer to win a gold in any individual race, he once again earned the title of fastest human in water.
Will he do it again in 2020? Come to the clinic and ask him yourself!
Session 1 - 9:00-11:15 – Age banned for 8-10
Break – 15 minutes
Session 2 – 11:30-1:45 – Age banned for 11-13 (including 10 year old with JO times)
Lunch Break – 30 minutes
Session 3 – 2:15-4:30 – Age banned for 14-18 (including 12-13 year old that have Senior Champs times)
Other Anthony Ervin Events
Thursday 2/20 – Presentation
7:30pm Atwood Hall APU Campus
Open to the Public – Sponsored by PLAAY
Friday 2/21 – AquaDog
Swim with an Olympian
Bartlett Pool – Sponsored by NLSC
Clinic Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Clinic, click the button below.
Service High School Pool
5577 Abbott Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
Clinic Survey
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