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Trailside Kids' & Family Virtual Bike/Run Event!!!! (Triathlon)

Sat May 8 - Sat May 15 Anchorage, AK 99507 US Directions


Anchorage, AK US 99507


This is a virtual event for kids in grades K-6 of all ability levels & their family members.

Unfortunately, this year we need to host a virtual event.  However, we didn't want you to forget about joining us again next year!!!  So, get out that bike and put on those running shoes!  Find your favorite path and take it from there! 

After Completion:
A Completion Verification Google Form will be emailed out after registration. Complete, then, come pick up the K-6th finisher's swag bag full of goodies and family members' Certificate of Completion, at Trailside Elementary! Get your picture taken and brag about your accomplishment.   

All participants will complete the course on their own.  All persons picking up bags and monitoring the bag pick up at Trailside Elementary will be required to wear masks and socially distance per CDC guidelines.

1. Sign up for the race

2. Complete the distances anytime between May 8th - May 15th.

3. Submit the verification survey with a photo! 

4. Pick up your swag bag on May 15th, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at Trailside Elementary.

Virtual Race: May 8th-May15th

Swag Bag for K-6 Finisher & Certificate of Completion Pick Up SCHEDULE: May 15th any time between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.



grades K-1:  1 mile 

grades 2-3:   2 miles 

grades 4-6:  3 miles

Family Members follow your kiddo 😉


grades K-1:  0.5 mile 

grades 2-3:  1 mile 

grades 4-6:   1.5 miles 

Family Members follow your kiddo 😉


What does it cost? $10 for any K-6th Child (includes swag bag)  $5 for each family member over 6th grade (certificate of completion).

Who can participate? Everyone (Only K-6 receive a swag bag)

K-6 Must Register before Monday, May 10 to guarantee a Goodie Swag Bag!!! 

Please submit a photo and/or video and we’ll include it in a post-race video via Google Form.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


Got questions?  We've got answers?



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Race Participant Survey

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