Palmer, AK US 99645
Weelllll...... since we can't legally all meet together and have a race party, let's each have our own wherever works best for us!
This event will be set up with 5k, 10k, half marathon and full marathon options. It's a bit of an honor system as each participant will be sent instructions on how to enter their own times. ***Please note: these races are entirely for having a good time and maintaining motivation. We still expect for everyone to be honest in their timing! Because honestly, anyone comparing timing in a virtual needs to get a life (said very respectfully of course.) Run, walk, skip, shuffle whatever distance you register for and have fun completing your challenge.
Location: Wherever your heart desires (within local mandates of course.)
Course description: Wide variety. Could be flat. Could be mountainous. Could be mud.
Time limit: 23 hours and 59 minutes on May 2nd. Even that is flexible though. We would prefer everyone complete it that day but... we know. And we won't be following you or staring in your house. Just be honest about time and distance please... and to keep the challenge alive, we recommend not using the exact same run for ALL the virtuals you are registering for these days!
Everyone that registers will get a tank top with a fun design! We've submitted our idea and are awaiting the art proof so we don't quite have that to share yet. They WILL be gender specific!
***Another important piece of info: registration is ending somewhat quickly: April 8th. This is because A) we feel fairly confident that anyone who wants to participate will register early. Not a lot of will-I or won't-I for this. B) Shirt order. We are ONLY ordering what is needed to keep costs down. C) We want everyone to have their shirt prior to race day. Up to you if you wear it or not.
Speaking of shirts: depending on what we are allowed to physically do before the race, we will either have an in person pick up option OR it will all be mailed. A bit of a guessing game at this point so CHECK YOUR SPAM FILTERS!!!! (This is the frustrated VTOR RD speaking in all caps here!)
Questions? Please feel free to email us.
Can my dog and/or child run with me? We see no reason why not unless you need a break. Then feel free to tell your S.O. that we mandated it must be completed solo.
Aid stations? We encourage randomly placed M&Ms around your home for this sole purpose.
What hydration is offered on course? Anything you can stomach that allows you to remain upright. Please note: we encourage responsible drinking.
I decided that I really am not into running a virtual. I also don't get the concept. I registered anyway. Can I have a refund? NO.
May I utilize a pacer? If you have someone willing to remain 6 feet away, sure. They should probably register as well.
I see you put an address for the location. Is that the real location? Please reread everything above and Google VIRTUAL RACE.
Are you getting rich off this? Excuse me while I clean the Diet Coke I just snorted through my nose. Our registration cost covers the price of the shirt and (we hope) shipping. We do also hope to pocket at least 0.75 from each registration :)
Can I use my deferral from Valley Thaw Out Races for this event instead of that race in 2021? This is one we put some thought into... and ultimately decided no. Mostly because we didn't want our heads to explode from the multitude of list keeping at the moment. We want this to be its own standalone event and that little headache just needs to stay in its own realm for the time being. That being said, we can't wait for VTOR 2021!!!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.