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**** The Mojo Radio Show 0.5k **** The Race for the Rest of Us

Sat March 13, 2021 Huntsville, AL 35801 US Directions


109 Washington Street SE
Huntsville, AL US 35801


2020 Update: Thank you to everyone that supported our 2020 0.5k Race. Sadly due to COVID-19 restrictions we had to pivot to a virtual event.  All race packets were mailed to registered participants or dropped off with corporate sponsors. We are excited to report we were still able to make an incredible donation to a North Alabama Gold Star Family and her children. That's worth celebrating! 

We're excited about the 2021 0.5k and will update this page with information as it happens. 

Sincerely, Your 0.5k Team (Canvas, Inc. & The Mojo Radio Show)

2021 Details: 
Join your fellow beer loving, life of the party going, over the top underachievers for the 3rd Annual 0.5k in Downtown Huntsville on March 13th - all to raise money for one very special Gold Star Family & SemperFi Community Task Force of North Alabama. This event is presented by the Mojo Radio Show and Canvas, Inc. Thank you to our event and sponsor Miller's Tavern!

We know what you're thinking. A 0.5k? How FAR is 0.5k? Do I really HAVE to run? What's REALLY happening? 

The course is 0.5k or 0.3 miles or 500 meters, or 1,640.42 feet, or 19,685 inches or something like that. We didn’t really measure it. You can walk, skip, leisurely stroll, roller skate, or whatever it takes to cross the finish line. Just make sure you don’t spill your beer.

You have three options for tickets: 

  1. Walking - Baseline tickets are your entry into the race. 
  2. Running - Sprinters tickets gets you a pass to actually run the race. We'll cheer you on (aka point and laugh at you) as you take to the course first. This was the most popular kids option in 2019! (hint - register your kids for this family race!!)
  3. RIDE - Be a VIP and ride the course on the Rocket City Rover instead.  

Did we mention we’re the Official Sponsors of St. Patrick's Day?
The 0.5k conveniently happens to be scheduled on St. Patrick’s Day, so we’re claiming the official sponsor rights. What does this mean for you? It means, starting at 9am we’re closing off Washington Street between Clinton and North Side Square for a block party like you’ve never seen.

The parade goes RIGHT DOWN WASHINGTON STREET WHERE WE ARE, so we’ll pause the party happenings for all to watch the parade go by. Keep in mind - as soon as the parade ends we’re rolling into serious race prep. So be ready.  

To Recap: (Or something like the agenda below. We’re still working out details.)

Saturday, March 13, 2020
9:00 am - 11:00 am      Block Party Shenanigans
11:00 am - 1:00 pm      St. Patrick’s Day Parade Viewing 
1:00 pm - 2:00pm         The 0.5k
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm        Block Party Shenanigans

NEW THIS YEAR - FOOD TRUCK RALLY! (Thanks Downtown Huntsville Inc) & Kids Tent (Heart of the Valley YMCA)

Want to know more? Yeah, we do too. Here’s what we’re calling Race Details!

The course is strenuous, but we feel with proper training (hint watch a previous training video) you’ll be able to partake in race day activities. We’ll start at the corner of Washington and Clinton Ave, taking a left onto Clinton, then a left onto Green Street. This is the toughest stretch – measuring a whole 200m. To ensure you can make it, we’ll have cheerleaders encouraging you along the way. They may just be parade stragglers, but hey you call them what you want. We’ll hang a left onto Randolph Ave SE before making the final left back onto Washington Street SE where you’ll see the finish line at the intersection of Washington and Randolph Ave SE.  

We’re estimating it will take you 10 minutes (if you walk like your grandma) to do the course. When you pass through the finish line in a blaze of glory, you'll return to the block party where you’ll want to relive the experience, brag to your friends, take selfies to post on social media, "I DID IT!!! I'M A FINISHER!! LOOK AT ME!!!"

Conveniently, Miller's Tavern has great race day beer specials for your amazing participation.

Still not convinced this is the most epic thing ever? Did we mention…

  • Friday Night Carb Loading Party (registration add-on option)
  • Cornhole Tournament (registration add-on option) 
  • VIP Party HINT PRIVATE POTTY (registration add-on option) sponsored by Taco Mama


  • Bring an extra $$$ for some games, raffles and more. We've got great prizes. 
  • You get a T-shirt and medal for showing your friends how awesome you are 
  • Finish line photos
  • Individual and group costume contests with prizes. Cool sunglasses, leprechaun outfits, leisure suits, pajamas, you name it…just do it
  • The race is THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR of St. Patrick’s Day
  • Amazing drink specials at Miller's Tavern (It's like having our own personal bar for the day)
  • Live music
  • Much, much, much more (this is code for as we think of things)

You want some swag? Then listen up! Those that register PRIOR TO MARCH 1 will get: 

  • If you want a T-Shirt on race day - and who doesn't want one of these bad boys??
  • A pretentious oval Euro-style 0.5k sticker that you can attach to your rear windshield to show everyone what a badass you are.
  • Participation medals (everyone gets recognized for their hard work at this event. We’re all about positivity and self-worth.)
  • Compete in one of our contests and you’ll get awards for your hard work.

Why are we doing this?  To raise money of course.

We know you think it’s all just about beer, and that’s cool, but the one thing we aren’t making light of is our cause of choice. Every dime we raise will go to support a North Alabama Gold Star Widow & SemperFi Community Task Force of North Alabama's Gold Star Initiatives. In case you don’t know, the term Gold Star describes a family member who has lost a loved one in military service. 

So now, the part you've been waiting for. How much IS this race??


Ticket Options:

$25 – The Baseline Ticket (Walking) 

Congratulations you’re a part of the most epic thing you will ever do. To reward you for your efforts, you will get a T-Shirt, a 0.5k Sticker, a medal and the feeling of knowing you did something really great for someone else.

$35 – The Sprinter’s Challenge (Running)

Congratulations you’re one step ahead of the rest of us – you actually like to run. Sure, the Sprinter’s Challenge is just a bit more, but that’s okay because you’re a bit extra anyway. To reward you for your serious athleticism, we’re going to let you go first. If you’re awesome enough to sprint it, your awesome enough to do it while holding your beer.  That isn’t s suggestion, but an expectation.

The winner of the Sprinter’s Challenge will get some serious bragging rights. You will also get a T-Shirt, a 0.5k Sticker, a medal and the feeling of knowing you did something really great for someone else.  

$50 – The VIP (RIDING)

Congratulations you’re more important than all of us – you’re a VIP. If you like the thought of being ushered in style on the Rocket City Rover Party Bike, then this option is for you! You and 13 of your BFF’s (aren't we all BFF's after a few beers??) are going to make history by participating in the race without ever putting your feet to the pavement.

In case you noticed, the VIP option is just a tad more, but that’s okay because you’re really all about supporting a good cause and that alone is worth being a VIP. However, because you’re such a VIP, you’ll not only get a ride on the ALL NEW Rocket City Rover, you’ll also get a T-Shirt, a 0.5k Sticker, a medal and the feeling of knowing you did something great for someone else.

Give us a donation

Love what you see but you’re super sad you can’t make it? Don’t worry, this is a fundraiser and you can still participate by clicking the donate button. You'll get the ultimate prize of knowing you did something really great for someone else.  

Still have questions? Here's a few answers...

Is this a family friendly event? 

You bet it is. We all have kids too. The only thing the kids can't do is drink the beer because well that's illegal. In 2019, the kids LOVED taking part in the Sprinter's Challenge. So what are you waiting for? Sign up the whole family! It's for a good cause. 

What is there to do at the block party? 

The better question is what isn't there to do!! We'll have all sorts of games and activities, but just to name a few - musical chairs, giant jenga, heads or tails, cornhole, and a whole lot more. We're all about giving things away too, so make sure you register for the good stuff we'll be giving away for game winners. We'll have live music and lots of dancing in the streets. 

Oh and did we mention FOOD TRUCK RALLY?? I'd bring a chair with you for the day, you're not going to have a reason to leave. 

 Do I have to pay to come to the block party? 

Nope! The block party is open for anyone to partake. You do however have to pay to participate in the 0.5k. You will want to bring some extra $$$ though because this is a fundraiser and we'll be asking for donations! Come prepared to party and give!! 

Can I bring my four legged friends? 

If your pups can handle the crowds, we aren't against having them join our shenanigans. Just make sure they don't drink the beer.  

Still have questions?

Want to know how to get more involved? Or better yet, do you want to be a sponsor? Send us all your questions. We can’t promise we’ll know the answer, but we’ll promise we’ll get back to you.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at




Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.

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