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Virtual Valentine's Race 8K, 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk

Sat February 13 - Mon February 15 Montgomery, AL 36117 US Directions


Your Favorite Route
Montgomery, AL US 36117


The Knights of Columbus Council 12150 is sponsoring the 1st Annual Virtual Valentine's Race in support of The American Heart Association of Montgomery. Here's how it woks:

  • Register at
  • Record your best time during the week of February 7th to the 14th - make sure to log it into the website above
  • Keep in mind the cut of is February 15th at 10 pm.
  • We'll tabulate the winners for your age group and post on the Knights of Columbus Council 12150 Facebook page. We will also send an email to all racers who submit one during registration.
  • You will get a tee shirt and medal for you heart felt work in running this race.
  • Good Luck and remember to listen To your Heart!!!!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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