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Melvin J. Fisher Hills and Hollows, Virtual Half Marathon

Fri April 30 - Fri December 31 Sherwood, AR 72120 US


Wherever you want to challenge the Hills and Hollows.
Sherwood, AR US 72120


We welcome you to challenge yourself, to the Melvin J. Fisher, Hills and Hollows, Virtual Half Marathon wherever you live, work or play. Find your favorite Hills and Hollows to challenge yourself running or walking. Complete the Half Marathon (13.1) miles all at once or over a period of time between now and the end of May. The choice is yours. The main thing is to Celebrate 40 Years of Running with the ARK Running Klub!!!

This event is dedicated to the memory of Melvin J. Fisher who was a dedicated Volunteer Fireman in a small, rural community and touched many lives during his 49 years of life. His patriotism is reflected in the 4 Inch Finisher Medal which is highlighted in Red, Silver and Blue with 13 Silver and Red Stars encircling a runner, with a long stride. If you're facing the daily challenges of Hills to climb or enjoying the view running down into a beautiful cool Hollow. This LIMITED EDTION Custom 4 Inch Finisher Medal and Neck Ribbon will be a shiny nice addition to your collection of swag. Additional swag includes a 24 oz. Custom designed, matching Coffee Mug and 6-Pack Insulated Cooler Bag.

This Virtual Event is hosted by the ARK Running Klub located in North Little Rock, AR and Celebrating 40 Years of Running in the community.

We look forward to you joining us as we celebrate this milestone of running one stride at a time.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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