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Fly Like an Eagle 5K

Sat April 25, 2020 Vilonia, AR 72173 US Directions


Fly Like an Eagle 5K

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT

Eaglet 1 Mile Fun Run

8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1164 Main St
Vilonia, AR US 72173


This year, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the school, the 7th Annual Fly Like an Eagle 5K will be a strictly VIRTUAL race.

As bad as we hoped to have a live version of this race, with all the cheering and cameraderie that goes with it, we are at the point where a decision must be made. Though not the choice we wanted to make, we are going to do our best to still make this a positive, rewarding experience for everyone who participates.

First, we want to thank all our sponsors! The folks listed below, their support for Vilonia XC through this race, are the only reason we can follow through with even a virtual option. If not for our loyal supportive sponsors, we would have no choice but to cancel completely. Their support makes this virtual version of the race doable.

Linda Maries
Integrity Insurance
Vilonia Family Pharmacy
First Security Bank
Centennial Bank
Sue Shock Insurance
8 Mile Store
Vilonia Tackle & Outdoor
JKKM Tools, Inc.

Please let these folks know you appreciate their support. We sure do! To keep this post from getting any longer, we will post details on how the virtual race will work in the next post.

So this is how we'll work this.

1) We're going to extend the online registration through race day.
2) Finisher's medals will be sent to all participants who on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, email* a picture of your watch or screenshot of your phone showing you completed the distance and the time. For kids doing the 1 mile fun run, an email* with the kid's name and a statement from the parent stating the kid ran the mile will suffice. (Please be sure to send the information under the same name you registered under.)
3) Eligibility for Age Group and Overall, Masters, and Grandmasters Awards will require the following. An emailed* photo of you after your run and a photo of your watch or screenshot of your app showing you completed the 3.1 mile distance and your time. Include in the post the name you registered under. (Please send individual photos of you or make sure all in the picture are at least 6 feet apart if you are sending a group photo.)
4) If you register but do not send a photo showing you did the 3.1 miles, you will still be mailed a t-shirt**, as will all who do complete the requirements above.

*All emailed photos required for eligibility for medals/awards must be emailed to on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, April 24-26.
**We will wait until after the race to order t-shirts so there will be a two-four week delay on receiving medals and t-shirts. But we promise we will get them to you! This is just so we will not spend money on extras this year.

This is going to be a year we just hope to break even, but we still want to give you the best possible experience under these conditions.

Thank you all for your support of Vilonia XC!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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