COVID 19 Rules and Regulations
The following race day guidelines have been approved by the Allegheny County Department of Health. These guidelines are in place for the safety of the participants, volunteers, and race directors.
Participants must be symptom free of illness for 14 days (May 21st and after). Symptomatic individuals MUST stay at home.
Participants traveling to event are recommended to travel alone or with members of immediate family only.
Participants ARE REQUIRED to wear a face covering to the starting line and can remove their face covering when they start running.
Participants must wear shirt and shoes at all times.
Hand sanitizer stations will be provided at the start and finish line areas.
Bottled water will be available at the finish line. We highly recommend carrying your own water; there will be a water stop available with staff wearing masks and gloves.
No spitting, snotting, or projections of any bodily fluid before, during or after event.
Restroom accommodations will be available prior to the event at the upper parking lot.
All participants must avoid any physical contact with other participants which includes high fives, fist bumps, huddles, or other close contact before, during, or after the event. During competition, participants must abide by the six-foot mandated social distancing regulations when passing other participants.
Awards ceremony for live runners of the 5K and raffle drawing will take place on the black top with plenty of space to social distance. Masks required. Runners can see their results online at a link to be posted later.Thank you for your understanding during this unique time!