Allen Street
Fort Huachuca, AZ US 85613
The start time for the foot march is 0500. Check in will begin at 0400. Please plan to arrive early for check in.
First held in 1915 as a test of marching endurance for soldiers in the Norwegian Military. The strategic goal was to be able to move larger units of troops over a great distance swiftly and in a manner that enabled them to efficiently be combat ready, even after marching with their rucksack/weaponry weighing 11kg. The goal today is to simulate the general interest of marching over extended distances amongst military and civilian personnel.
The test consists of a 30km/18.6mile march (march/run) with a rucksack containing 11kg (24lbs). There is no longer a requirement to carry your rifle.
Approved military uniform (field uniform/work uniform and military grade boots). The uniform must be within regulation during the march. For events in where civilians partake in a military setting, civilian clothing is allowed i.e., long trousers and boots with a minimum weight of 1.5 kg (3.3lbs). The rucksack must weigh in at minimum 11kg/24lbs at both the start and finish line. The rucksack/backpack must be of military grade. Civilian participants can use a civilian version of a rucksack.
*We recommend packing your ruck with non-perishable food items as they will be donated to local community organizations upon completion of the event.
Age Female Time requirements
18–20: 5:25
21–34: 5:15
35-42: 5:25
43–49: 5:30
50–54: 5:40
55–59: 5:50
60–: 6:00
Age Male Time requirements
18–20: 4:35
21–34: 4:30
35-42: 4:35
43–49: 4:40
50–54: 4:50
55–59: 5:00
60–: 5:15
Race Contact Info
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