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Thu October 1 - Sat November 7 Glendale, AZ 85301 US


5K Walk

5:00AM MST - 5:00PM MST

10K Walk

5:00AM MST - 5:00PM MST


4443 West Vista Avenue
Glendale, AZ US 85301


Dear Friends of the Hospitality Services Center and Run2Serve:

As you know, Run2Serve is a 5K or 10K walk or run to support Hospitality Services Center, Inc. ("HSC"), an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization.  Run2Serve is HSC's only fundraising event each year, and 2020 is HSC's 7th Annual Event.  HSC’s mission includes providing low-cost short-term housing for volunteers from across the United States and Canada, who come to the Center to work alongside local volunteers, giving their time and resources to serve many charitable needs in the Greater Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona area; and coordinating volunteer service opportunities with HSC’s mission partners, including SOOP, Goldensun Peace Ministries, International Rescue Committee, Faith Community Nursing, Home Repair, West-Side Food Bank, and others.  

The Run2Serve committee decided the safest course of action is to shift Run2Serve 2020 to a fully VIRTUAL EVENT.  While we are all saddened and deeply sorry for this inconvenience, we are excited to invite you to join us VIRTUALLY!

What this means is you, as a Run2Serve registrant, will be able to participate in Run2Serve 2020 within the comforts of your own neighborhood.

Here’s how Run2Serve 2020 VIRTUAL works.
The 5K run, 5K walk, 10K run, and 10K walk will look like this:

1. Your registration automatically will be in the virtual run/walk category.
2. Run/Walk any 5K or 10K course of your choosing.
3. Run/Walk anytime from now thru November 7, 2020.
4. You DO NOT need a bib#, your name and/or email will identify you.
5. Post a photo of yourself and your time by emailing when you are finished.
6. We will award medals for the top three male and female finishers in both the 5K and 10K (12 total finisher medals).  Participants competing for a medal should follow this procedure:  record and tag the event in a phone/watch GPS tracking app like Strava or MapMyRun.  Then email all your data - share from the app or an image of your stats - to
7. Your Run2Serve shirt and any medal will be mailed to you after November 7, 2020, at the address you used to sign up.

 There will be no raffle prizes this year, but we promise to have a great selection for Run2Serve 2021.

Please visit to learn more about what HSC does in the Community, and to view photographs from last year's Event.

On behalf of the Run2Serve committee and Hospitality Services Center, thank you for helping make Run2Serve 2020 memorable.  We look forward to a creative and meaningful experience until we can gather again next year.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




      Everence logo               Eye Physicians and Surgeons 

      Jay Shetler Homes logo       Honor Wiebes 

       AATW - Ten Thousand Villages                      Shantz - Mennonite Disaster Service         Pat Locy 

         YoderSJ - Mennonite Mission Network                     Garcia PLLC logo

In Memory of Emil Yoder              YoderSJ - Goldensun


                              Gullette Law Office                    MCC

            Steiners          Glencroft         Kimel Chiropractic


              Margaret Martin                           



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