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S.I.P. Virtual Beer Mile

Fri April 17 - Fri July 31 Oro Valley, AZ 85737 US


21-Years and Older

SIP Virtual Beer Mile

To be completed between April 17 and July 31
Open to ages 21 - 100.
All-Ages Event

SIP Milk Mile

To be completed between April 17 and July 31


11900 N. La Canada Dr. #69491
Oro Valley, AZ US 85737


S.I.P. - Shelter In Place Virtual Beer* Mile (Must be 21 years or older to participate.) Limited to 300 entries.

S.I.P - Shelter In Place Virtual Milk Mile (For anyone who does not/cannot drink alcohol).

The rules:

1) You must be 21 years or older to participate in the BEER MILE (any age for the Mile Mile)

2) You need 2 beers (or 2 small cartons of milk)- one before the mile and one after. We HIGHLY recommend you support your local brewery and buy beer from them for this fun VIRTUAL run.

3) You MUST exercise social distancing / sheltering in place. You can run around your backyard, back and forth in your driveway, on a treadmill, laps around your house -- wherever you can complete a mile ON YOUR OWN!

4) Take a photo/video of you drinking a beer (or milk carton) BEFORE you start your first mile.

5) Run a mile and screenshot your Garmin, Stava, FitBit, Apple Watch, etc., 

6) Take a photo/video of you drinking the second beer (milk carton) AFTER your mile. 

5) Share your accomplishment on Instagram and/or Facebook with hashtag #SIPBeerMile or #MilkMile and tag @trioy. You can also email your results and photos to*

(*If you email photos to us, you agree to allow On Your Left Fitness to post your photos on social media.)

What do you get?

A cool finisher's medal that doubles as a bottle opener that you can pick up at Fleet Feet Tucson or The Running Shop in Tucson; or, it can be mailed to you. Are you on Facebook? Request to be added to the Facebook Group to share your SIP Beer Mile/Milk Mile. 

*Not a beer/alcohol drinker? Feel free to substitute your beverage of choice to complete this virtual challenge. (We're adding gummy worms to our challenge - 2 gummy worms every quarter mile.)

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