Divisions, Awards & Souvenirs
The first 1,200 registrants will receive an official event shirt and a souvenir finisher’s medal. You can snag the shirt size that fits in either unisex or “ladies” cut. All shirts are first come, first served at packet pickup. We will provide overall, masters and age group awards. Final details will be confirmed, but here is the plan for now:
Half Marathon Prize Money, courtesy of Ridgway Private Wealth
First place overall male and female: $100
Second place overall male and female: $75
Third place overall male and female: $50
First place 40+ male and female: $50
Quarter Marathon and 5k Prize Money, courtesy of Ridgway Private Wealth
Overall male and female: $50
Half Marathon Age Group Awards: top three male and female receive awards in 5-year age groups, starting 15-19, then 20-24 and so forth in 5 year increments through 80+
First place: $30 Running Shop Gift Certificate
Second place: Arizona Distance Classic Drinking Glass and Headband
Third place: Arizona Distance Classic Running Visor
Awards will be handed out on race day at awards ceremony. Awards may be picked up through March 31, 2025, at The Running Shop, 3055 N Campbell Ave #153, Tucson, Arizona 85719. Awards will not be mailed.
The Half Marathon is on the Southern Arizona Roadrunners Grand Prix Calendar for most age groups. See for details.
Prize Money winners are taken out of the age group awards
Quarter Marathon Awards: top three male and female receive awards in 5-year age groups, starting U15, then 15-19 and so forth in 5 year increments through 80+
First place: $30 Running Shop Gift Certificate
Second place: Arizona Distance Classic Drinking Glass and Headband
Third place: Arizona Distance Classic Running Visor
Awards will be handed out on race day at awards ceremony. Awards may be picked up through March 31, 2025, at The Running Shop, 3055 N Campbell Ave #153, Tucson, Arizona 85719. Awards will not be mailed.
The Quarter Marathon is on the Southern Arizona Roadrunners Grand Prix Calendar for ages U15 and for 75+. See for details.
5K Awards: top three male and female receive awards in 10-year age groups, U20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+
First place: $30 Running Shop Gift Certificate
Second place: Arizona Distance Classic Headband
Third place: Arizona Distance Classic Running Visor
Awards will be handed out on race day at awards ceremony. Awards may be picked up through March 31, 2025, at The Running Shop, 3055 N Campbell Ave #153, Tucson, Arizona 85719. Awards will not be mailed.
NOTE: Final Age Group Awards May Vary
We respect the right of all athletes to compete regardless of gender identity, and all registrants may choose either the male, female, or non-binary division.
All awards are based on a participant's choice of category at registration. Due to a dearth of participants, there are currently no top finisher awards for the non-binary division.
No double dipping. In case of finish time and place disputes, participants are responsible for verifying their finish time, turn-around time, and overall placing; the race organizer will make the final decision.