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Sun October 13, 2024


3K (Wheelchair Participants are FREE, see details below)

3K Run/Walk

9:00AM ADT Use apply coupon code and type Wheelchair (Typed exactly the same) on payment screen, if registering a Wheelchair Participant to reduce cost to Zero.
5K (Wheelchair Participants are FREE, see details below)

5K Run/Walk

9:00AM ADT Use apply coupon code and type Wheelchair (Typed exactly the same) on payment screen, if registering a Wheelchair Participant to reduce cost to Zero.


Warmup at 8:45am and start at 9:00am

Start and Finish at Committee of 25  2 Midsea Lane, Serpentine Road, Pembroke

3K and 5K routes

Cost $25.00 Adults, $10 Children and Seniors 65+
Wheelchair Participants are FREE!

Enter as an individual and/or join a team.

Goodie Bag


Goodie bags can be picked up at the Co25 office 2 Midsea  Road Serpentine Road Pembroke. Office hours are from 10:00-2:00

5K Course

3K Route

Event Contact Info

If you have any questions about this event, click the button below.


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