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Bay Bridge Run

Sunday, November 9, 2025 Annapolis, MD 21409 US

Social Teams

Like your Grandmother always used to say, THE MORE THE MERRIER!  With that in mind, the Bay Bridge Run is giving you added incentives to build a SOCIAL TEAM and run as a group.




SOCIAL TEAMS as small as 15 people get discounted entry fees for signing up with a team, regardless of when they register.  Plus teams can earn prizes and discounts the bigger their team becomes. 

Teams of 40 or more can earn special race day accommodations including a reserved tent for your team. (Tent space may be limited. First 20 teams to reach the 40-person benchmark are guaranteed tent space.)

All groups over 15 will also be entered into a raffle with the chance to win prizes such as Official Bay Bridge Run Merchandise and discounted entries for next year. 


When registering you will have the option to Join a Group/Team.  All Members of a SOCIAL TEAM are linked by their team name and password.  As your team grows, everyone benefits, even those who register first!  The system will automatically refund everyone on the team who has already registered and charge the new team members the new rate.   You can receive multiple refunds so as your team grows in size, you will continue to reap the benefits.

  • Teams of 15  or more participants in any race and everyone saves $10
  • Teams of 40 or more participants in any race and everyone saves $15

 Registrants that do not initially register with their group may not be eligible for refunds or discounts. Social Teams are available for participants in the live race, virtual participants will not be eligible to join groups and will not count towards your runner total.


ImageRunning with a friend (or a group!) really is so much more fun than running alone. Once the race is over, a team is there to celebrate and relax after the accomplishments of the day. Plus, they’ll keep people going and motivate them to finish strong if they’re starting to feel sluggish mid-race. Teams get bonus points if they wear matching team t-shirts!

Before the race even starts, a team is a built-in training support system. A dedicated team will spend some time running together before the race starts, getting to know each member’s quirks and pace. An individual can push off or ignore scheduled training runs, but a team won’t let them get away with skipping them! Besides support, team members also make for great accountability partners, and will help members to be completely prepared come race day.




Need help creating or joining your social team?

You can easily create or join your social team during registration! Registrants that do not initially register with their group may not be eligible for refunds or discounts. Social Teams are available for participants in the live race, virtual participants will not be eligible to join groups and will not count towards your runner total. If you already registered, and didn't join or create a team CLICK HERE for instructions!

To See What Social Teams Have Already Registered CLICK HERE.

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