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Beat the Blerch

Sat September 6, 2025 Carnation, WA 98014 US Directions



Beat The Blerch is a 5K, 10K, half, and full marathon created by The Oatmeal and inspired by this comic about running. Our Carnation, Washington race will take place in a quaint little town located about 35 minutes outside of Seattle. It begins at King County’s Tolt MacDonald Park, and it’s a beautiful flat, out-and-back course that winds its way through evergreen, mossy forests along the Snoqualmie valley trail. Volunteers are the heart of our event and we could not do it without you!

NEW! All volunteers are entitled to a $100 donation to the non-profit of their choice.

You can specify what non-profit you'd like to designate during the volunteer registration process.

From a high level, below is a list of the general areas where volunteers are needed:

  • Packet Pickup
  • Parking Attendants
  • Course Monitors
  • Aid Stations
  • Finish Area
  • Post-Race Food
  • Burritonut Bar

This Just in!

Volunteers not only receive this jazzy you can't miss shirt, but The Oatmeal is donating $100 per volunteer to their charity of choice!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us @

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