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What's Up?

Join us in Long Beach on March 22! Beer City Long Beach starts and finishes in Seashore Aquatic Park and runs along the LA River Trail. Beer City Festival includes a half marathon, 10k, and 5k distances. The Beer Stroll is a 1-mile walk for those who are mostly in it for the beer. Race The Rex is our new take on the beer mile. 

You don't have to have been part of other Beer City races to have a great time. You also don't have to care for beer. This gathering is meant for everyone and it's made by runners, for runners. So come out for a great time with sunshine, running, beer, and celebrating.

When you get home we will be there with tastes of beer from Long Beach's local brewers. Runners drink until noon and the it's off to Shindig! our afternoon gathering

Weekend Schedule

Friday, March 21 - Bib Pickup (optional)
4:00pm - 7:00pm at Sports Basement Long Beach (2100 N Bellflower Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90815)

Saturday, March 22 - Beer City Festival

Beer City Half
200 Aquarium Way Long Beach, CA US 90802

7:00 am: Registration and bib pickup opens 
8:30 am: Half Marathon Start
8:45 am: 10k Start
9:00 am: 5k Start
9:10 am: Beer Stroll Start
11:00 am: Race the Rex 12:00pm: Post race drinking concludes 

Beer City Shindig
Location TBA

1:00 pm: Shindig begins!
2:00 pm: Music kicks off
5:00 pm: Shindig winds down.
5:05 pm: Beer City closing sing along.

The Beermazing Race
Location TBA

1:00 pm: Beermazing Racers gather at Shindig
1:05 pm: Instructions are read; capes are distributed. Beermazers are off.
5:00 pm: Beermazing Racers return to Beer City HQ. 
5:05 pm: Beer City closing sing-along.


Post Run Beer Refreshment


The post run beer drinking is a festival all it's own. Beer City Half offers our runners over 21 years of age a selection of beer from a collection of our local brewer friends, including ISM, Green Cheek, Long Beach Beer Lab, as well as from some of our friends from hither and yon, like Drakes and Lagunitas. Drink as much as you like unitl noon! There will also be non-alcoholic Hop Water as well as the water, bubbly drinks we provide.

Beer will be served in 7oz Beer City  tasting glasses for you to take home (without a beer in them still).

Also, there will be bubbly water and sodas, as well as snacks for everyone, including Bellwether Farms yogurt and fruit. 

Schwag & Awards

Each Beer City Half runner receives the special Long Beach Key to Beer City, a comfy Beer City Santa Rosa t-shirt, a 7oz Beer City tasting glass, custom bib, and free race photos. 

Podium trophies are given to the top 3 in each race by gender. Age group awards are given 3-deep in 10-year divisions (example: 20-29). Age group winners are requested to identify themselves at the timing table.

All runners are entered into the Beer City Series results and our Slammers receive a special lanyard that holds all the keys. Collect them all -- gotta run first!

Race the Rex and The Beermazing Race have their own treats and rewards as well..


Half/10k/5k/Beer Stroll

$30.15 - $99.05 8:30AM - 9:20AM PDT
Events: Half Marathon 10k 5k Beer Stroll

Race the Rex Beer Mile

$27.50 11:00AM PDT
Events: Race the Rex Beer Mile

Beermazing Race

1:00PM PDT
Events: The Beermazing Race Designated Driver - Strategy Partner

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