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Black Toenail Friday Half Marathon and 7.5 Miler NC

Fri November 28, 2025 Snow Camp, NC 27349 US Directions

Virtual Race Instructions

To complete your virtual race and receive your finisher medal and shirt, follow these steps:

  1. Run your half marathon or 7.5 mile race at a place and time of your choosing
  2. Track your time with a watch or fitness app
  3. Report your time here by clicking "Submit Virtual Results". Results can be submitted anytime between November 1st and November 28th

Once all results are submitted, shirts and finisher medals will be mailed out within 10 days after race day. Please double check that your mailing address is correct on your registration by race day! No packets will be available after December 9th. 


Virtual participants are not eligible for awards.  


Any changes to virtual on or after race day will be subject a shipping charge.

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