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Sat May 30 - Sun May 31 Fairburn, GA 30213 US Directions

Detailed Social Distancing Plan

In order to produce this race in a socially responsible manner, we ask that all participants abide by our guidelines & rules. We also ask that everyone adhere to the social distancing measures that everyone has become accustomed to over the past couple of months. Maintain your personal “bubbles” – don’t interact with others unless you keep appropriate distancing.
Arrival @ Bouckaert Farm
Participants are asked to arrive at Bouckaert Farm NO EARLIER than one hour prior to their designated group start time.  Anyone arriving prior to one hour before their start time will not be allowed to enter the Horse Mansion. Since there will be no pre-race activities of any kind, there is no reason to arrive too early.
A volunteer will be outside the main entrance to the Horse Mansion with participant lists for all fifteen minute time blocks. If your name is not on one of the lists for the appropriate time blocks allowed inside the Horse Mansion – you will not be allowed to enter until your group is allowed to enter (one hour prior to your group start time).
“Spectators” refers to anyone not running. We ask that ONLY participants come to Bouckaert Farm on race weekend.  Spectators will not be allowed inside the Horse Mansion and any spectators will be asked to return to their vehicles.
Dogs:  No dogs allowed. Since we're not allowing spectators, we're also not allowing dogs. Participants may not run with dogs.
All participants will park in a large field located about ¼ mile from the Horse Mansion. It is a grass field so there is no danger of vehicles getting stuck in mud should we encounter inclement weather.
The Horse Mansion
The Horse Mansion at Bouckaert Farm is an enormous structure that has not yet been finished out on the inside. Consequently, the ground floor is one huge room measuring about two hundred feet long by seventy feet wide (200’ x 70’). In normal times, Bouckaert Farm utilizes the Horse Mansion for special events, conferences, and weddings. To put this space in perspective, it’s about half the width of a football field and two-thirds the length.
It is this large ground floor “room” that will be the venue for this event. Athletes will check in here, and remain here until their race starts. The Start & Finish of the race will be inside. Large garage type doors enable us to have participants start the race out of the back side of the mansion and finish the race coming through a large door on the east side of the mansion.
Participant Check-In
The check-in procedure will be very easy and simple. Participants will provide their name and they’ll be handed their race “bib”. The bibs contain the timing chips. That’s it – no swag – no signatures. Race shirts will be handed out at the finish.

As participants check in, they’ll be directed to the appropriate corral for their time block group.
There will be four groups inside the Horse Mansion at any one time in separate corrals. 

Example:  it’s 10:45am on Saturday and John Smith arrives to check in. John’s designated group start time is 11:15am.
John will be handed his bib and directed to the corral where the 11:15 group in staged.
Group Staging
Each fifteen minute time group contains a maximum of thirty (30) people. We ask that people within each time group maintain the safe social distancing practices that they’ve been using elsewhere. If you and your family members want to talk with another family, keep your distances appropriate. Each corral measures 30 Ft. x 40 Ft., so there's plenty of room for people to spread out.
As mentioned above, only four time groups will be allowed inside the Horse Mansion at any one time. Each of the four time groups will be staged in a different corral. 
Race Start
This will be a time trial start with one participant starting every thirty seconds. If you are part of a family or small “bubble”, arrange your runners in such a way so that slower runners begin first and faster runners behind them. That will allow your family to gather back up shortly after the start so you can run together if desired.
5K Run Course
The 5K run course is a loop design and takes place on a network of hard-packed dirt roads and trails on the property. The loop design means that runners will not be passing other runners going in the opposite direction. The roads are also plenty wide to allow people to pass others with no difficulty maintaining the appropriate distancing.
The time trial start process we’re using (one starting every thirty seconds), ensures that there will never be a lot of people on the course at any one time. Using the time/people density models that we’ve put together, we estimate that there will never be more than about a hundred people on the course at any one time – and those hundred will be spread out over three miles.
There will be one aid station located at about the halfway point that will be a table with individually bottled water. There will also be three trash cans after the water table; one just past the water, one about 100 yards past the table, and the third one about 1/4 mile past the table. PLEASE drop your water bottles into one of these three trash cans.
Race Finish
The race finish will also be inside the Horse Mansion. Runners will come in through one of the large garage-type doors and run under the finish line inflatable. As soon as runners come across the finish line they will be directed outside. On their way out, they will pass a table that contains individually bottled water followed by another set of tables that contain the race shirts. Tell the volunteers the size shirt you want and they will hand you a shirt.

NOTE:  In order to be guaranteed a race shirt - participants must register before 5/25
There will be no timing chips to take off – remember, the bibs contain the timing “chips”.
Post-Race Activities
The will be no post race activities of any kind. Other than picking up a bottle of water and a race shirt, there is nothing else for participants to do. We want folks to race, and then walk back to their vehicles and leave as quickly as possible.
Race Results
Race results will be uploaded to the race website on a continuous basis over the weekend.
We want people to have a good time, but it’s also extremely important that people remain cognizant of what’s going on. Keep practicing the social distancing measures that you’ve been using for the past couple of months.
We hope that the CoRUNa 5K will raise a lot of money, but we also want to demonstrate that some events can begin to happen again IF they’re done the right way.


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