Athlete Responsibility/Etiquette
At RUNBIC, we believe and encourage Athlete Responsibility and Etiquette. This helps insure a great event for runners, staff, and spectators.
Athlete Responsibility:
- Be on time for Athlete Check-in, Race Rally (Start Line), and Distance Start.
- Be self-reliant carry your own fluids and nutrition by using hydration pack, race belt, or race vest.
- Respect other athletes, volunteers, staff and spectator.
- Observe rules of the road/athlete etiquette
Athlete Etiquette:
- Avoid spitting or expelling any other bodily fluids near other athletes, volunteers, staff or spectators.
- Give yourself and others space.
- Verbalize your intention to pass if it is safe to do so.
- Leave no trace behind. Respect the host community by cleaning after yourself.
- Pay attention to instructions from both race and City officials.
- Let faster athletes pass you.
- No pets are allowed to participate in the run.