Our Charity Partner
Q: Who is your charity partner?
A: The Buckeye Challenge is extraordinarily proud to work with the Rotary for this event! Rotary is comprised of 35,000+ clubs dedicated to providing humanitarian support & advancing goodwill & peace worldwide. Rotary clubs support thousands of projects every year from food baskets for needing families to funding improvements at local parks and everything in between. Help us support an organization that gives back so much to our communities! Your donations are in good hands as the Rotary has earned a 4 out of 4 star rating for 13 consecutive years on Charity Navigator!
Q: How much of each registration do you donate?
A: We donate 10% of each registration fee. So on a $60 registration fee we will donate $6 to Rotary.
Q: Can I make an additional donation to the charity?
A: Absolutely! While registering their is a page that asks you if you would like to donate extra, 100% of that donation goes to Rotary. Additionally at anytime you can visit BuckeyeChallenge.com and click "donate" to make a donation.
Q: Is the Advanced Running Project a non-profit?
A: Advanced Running is not a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, but don’t let a tax classification fool you. Supporting charities is part of the foundation of who we are and what we believe in as a company. Since our founding in 2018 we have donated thousands to organizations in our community. Learn more about us and our philosophy on the About Us page.
Q: Is my registration tax deductible?
A: Unfortunately, no. While a portion of your registration fee will be donated to charity, we are not a 501(c)(3) charity and are therefore unable to provide tax receipts.
Q: How do we know you donated the money?
A: After the event we will work with Rotary to make a final payment to them and will provide documentation of the acknowledgement letter we receive from the Rotary on our Facebook page!