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Killa Hilla Klassic

Tue January 5, 2021 Bakersfield, CA 93306 US Directions




Corner of Panorama Drive and West Bluff Court
Bakersfield, CA US 93306


How many laps of the 5 Mile Killa Hilla Kourse can you do in 4 hours?

  • The rules are simple, you have 4 hours to do as many complete laps of the course as you can. There are no aid stations and you can come and go as you please. The event starts at 8am and finishes at 12pm.

What is the Killa Hilla Klassic?

  • This is an four hour event where one tries to do the 5 Mile Killa Hilla Kourse as many times as you can. You could do a lap and go home and then come back and do another. Or you could be out there the whole 4 hours straight.
  • The only rules are the laps most be completed between 8am & 12pm and only complete laps count. Plus the Killa Hilla Klassic Kourse uses the 16 switchbacks on the eastern end.

This event is in the "Fat Ass" tradition:
FAT ASS is the name given to a series of low key runs that are frequented by experienced runners & walkers and characterized by the phrase "No Fees, No Awards, No Aid, No Wimps". Yes, the runs are totally free to enter and are put on by passionate runners who are also running. Think of it as a bit like meeting some people for a bushwalk - except it's a run. Because the runs are not races in any sense, there is no guarantee of anything other than a course to run.


  • Start and finish are at the corner of West Bluff Court and Panorama.
  • No entry fee, No shirt, No Aid Stations or Awards.
  • This is a BYOB & BYOF event.
  • Only complete laps count.
  • Course Map HERE
  • A number of years ago I came up with the Killa Hilla Kourse and since then I have used it in my own training and coaching.
  • It is an out and back that measures 5 miles in length and has almost a thousand foot of climbing and descending per lap.

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