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Parent Date Night In

Thu May 25, 2023 Coronado, CA 92155 US Directions
MWR Community Recreation activities are open ONLY to valid Military ID card holders (Active Duty, Retiree, Dependent, DOD or Contractor) and their guests!


Price Per Couple

Parent Date Night

5:30PM PDT - 7:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18 - 100.


NAB Community Recreation Center
3237 Tulagi Road
Coronado, CA US 92155


A date night designed for you and your kids! Parents will enjoy their dinner on two topper tables, while kids will eat at their own table separately. Children will set the table, toss a salad, take the order for your dinner options (Pasta with Marinara or Alfredo Sauce, and an option for meatballs), and prepare/serve dinner and dessert! Limited tables so reserve your space now!

While you enjoy dinner, Community Recreation will entertain your kids and will be eating together separately! Limited tables so reserve your space now! 

Please only register for one person for the price of $20. This includes food for both parents and kids. 

Event Contact Info

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