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Volunteer Appreciation Picnic/Run

Sun February 16, 2020 Fresno, CA 93720 US Directions


Free for 2019-2020 Volunteers, Youth Under 12 Only $5

0 Mile (Picnic only)

10:15AM PST - 12:00PM PST
Free for 2019-2020 Volunteers, Youth Under 12 Only $10

2 Mile & Picnic

10:15AM PST - 12:00PM PST
Free for 2019-2020 Volunteers, Youth Under 12 Only $10

5K & Picnic

10:00AM PST - 12:00PM PST


114 W Audubon Dr
Woodward Park Group Activity Area
Fresno, CA US 93720


Races can't happen without volunteers!

Activitynut and Sierra Cascades Multisport Productions invite our past volunteers to a BBQ Picnic at the Group Activity Area next to the Shinzen Garden at Woodward Park.  Sometimes it is hard to give thanks on race day to all the volunteers who help make everything happen.  The Volunteer Appreciation Run is free for our wonderful volunteers who registered online from 2019-2020 as a thank you to all your hard work. 

Festivities begin with a 0, 2, or 3.1 mile run/walk starting at 10AM, followed by a BBQ picnic inside the Group Activity Area next to the Shinzen Garden with music and giveaways.

We emailed free entries to the email address we had on file for the volunteers who registered online at one of our events.  If you volunteered and did not receive a registration code, please email with the subject line "volunteered".  Please indicate which of our events you volunteered at and what position. 

(Free entries are restricted to those who had registered online to volunteer in 2019 or at one of our 2020 February events)

Our way of saying thank you

Bring the Whole Family

Volunteers who registered to volunteer online for our events between 2019 and now are free. 

Friends and family may join in the run for only $15, or picnic only for $10. 

Youth 12 and under are only $10, or picnic only for $5

Volunteers Needed

Even at the Volunteer Run... we still need volunteers.

Volunteers earn credit for a free 5k or 10k, or 50% off a triathlon at -or- $10 towards your volunteer organization.

If you would like to help out at this event, please click [here]

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
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