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Que Viva Eastside Cafe 5k Run/Walk/Roll

Sun June 25, 2017 Los Angeles, CA 90032 US Directions


Que Viva Eastside Cafe 5k Run/Walk/Roll

5:00AM PDT - 8:00AM PDT
Open to ages 6 - 80.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


5469 Huntington Dr N, Los Angeles, CA 90032
Los Angeles, CA US 90032


For the last 15 years, The Eastside Café has been an autonomous collective that’s been working towards building self-determination and providing free self-empowerment services through community programs. For the last 3 years, we’ve been working towards creating a feasible deal to purchase our building due to high rise in residential and commercial displacement in the El Sereno. 

Please join El Sereno Against Gentrification in appreciating what we are fighting for: our neighborhood and The EastSide Café! We will be facilitating a 5k from the Eastside Cafe along Huntington Drive to Collis and back. The Eastside Café is now less than a month away from the end of escrow and the journey up to this point has been miraculous to say the least. The community understands our sudden role and responsibility to protect this land is no easy task, but a profound testament of our efforts combatting gentrification (neo-settler colonization), and most importantly "reclaiming and recuperating" our communities for the next 7 generations.

Everyone will get a raffle ticket with prizes at the end. Music, refreshments, warm up led by a fitness instructor, photo booth, and more.

*** No one will be turned away. Please message us here with any accessibility needs. We welcome runners, walkers and rollers at all ages, all ability, all gender, all body types.

Pre-register: $25 - not including fees
Day of: $35 - not including fees
Toddler to 6 years of age - free admissions
T-Shirts: $15 (You can choose "no T-shirt", though the shirt is gonna be dope, featuring the 🐌 ...🐌,....🐌 )


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Additional donation go to GoFundMe

We have started a GoFundMe account to post updates to our financial campaign. 

The youtube video is pre-escrow process. Currently we are in escrow, the investor backed out to give the community an opportunity to purchase. We hope to raise enough funds to make a large down payment to obtain a low mortgage =  low rent for every mom and pop shop that is part of the store front. 



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