Get ready to SCCCCRAAAMMMMBBBBLLLLEEE! This year's edition of the Sasquatch Scramble 5K/10K/Half is very different from anything we've rolled out before.
To be clear, the LIVE option we're offering is NOT a 'race. It is NOT an 'event'. It is NOT a 'running group.' The live experience is a physically distanced, safe, outdoor, SOLO, trail running experience. Please read the details below about 'how this works'.
If the LIVE option doesn't work for you, VIRTUAL is an option as well. We'll be happy to ship your swag!
Where: Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, CA.
When: Sat, 4/24 & Sun, 4/25-Anytime between 8:00AM-4:00PM
Course Maps: 5K Course Map, 10K Course Map, Half Marathon Course Map.
The Swag:
All participants receive...
-An epic, trail run at Redwood Regional Park (if you're participating LIVE).
-An AWESOME race woodallion (see below!)
-A custom Sasquatch Scramble buff/neck gaiter (see below!)
-A custom Sasquatch Scramble beer sampler stein (see below!)
-Post run beverages (your choice of Standard Deviant Beer, Hint Water, or Athletic Brewing Company non-alcoholic brew-if you're participating LIVE) .
Here's how the 'LIVE' experience works.....
- Sign up for The Sasquatch Scramble 5K/10K/Half (LIVE).
- Show up at Redwood Regional Park in Oakland SOLO anytime between 8AM-4PM on Sat, 4/24 OR Sun, 4/25. Run the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon course on your own (we'll provide Strava course maps, TBT directions, and a RunGo course map with audio cues). Make sure you complete your run no later than 4PM.
- Conquer the Scramble and swing by the post run rendezvous point (TBD-it will be within 1/2 a mile of Redwood Regional Park), grab your swag, and grab a delicious, chilled, post run beer (from Standard Deviant Brewing Company). If beer isn't your thing, we'll also have Hint Winter and Athletic Brewing Company non-alcoholic beer for you.
Handcrafted woodallion from Aravaipa Artworx!
Aravaipa Artworx has dialed up yet another AWESOME piece of hardware for our SCRAMBLERS! This awesome piece of hardware DOUBLES as a bottle opener! Below is a 'DRAFT'. We'll be posting an image of the 'FINAL' version soon!
Custom (Psychedelic) Sasquatch Scramble Buff/neck gaiter
This CRAZY, psychedelic Sasquatch Scramble buff/neck gaiter that will keep you safe....and turn plenty of heads!
Custom Sasquatch Scramble Beer Sampler Stein
All Scramblers get a custom Sasquatch Scramble beer sampler stein. This stein is PERFECT for a post run shot (or two)!
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
7867 Redwood Road
Oakland, CA US 94619
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.