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Mon October 12 - Fri October 23 Port Hueneme Cbc Base, CA 93043 US


NHL 20 Tournament - PlayStation 4

9:00AM PDT - 5:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18 - 99.

NHL 20 Tournament - XBOX One

9:00AM PDT - 5:00PM PDT
Open to ages 18 - 99.


Online NHL20 Tournament for PlayStation 4 & XBOX One.  

Information and game/round schedules will be emailed out prior to the start date. 

***Game schedules are dependent on the number of participants*** 

Registration is open to all MWR Patrons 18 and over! 

Tournament Contact Info

If you have any questions about this tournament, click the button below.

Tournament Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your tournament experience.

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