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Mon November 16 - Sun November 22 San Diego, CA 92136 US Directions



2375 Recreation Way, BLDG. 3279
San Diego, CA US 92136


Naval Base San Diego is hosting a Virtual Turkey Trot between November 16-22. The rules are simple, over the course of the week, you must run a minimum of 13.1 miles and you will receive a FREE TURKEY! Run as many miles as you can, and if by the end of the week if you are top 3 in miles ran in the male or female category, you will get a premium ButterBall Turkey and a swag bag!

In order to verify your mileage, you must send in screenshots of your run using a GPS Tracking App. Many people use apps such as Strava, or even their smartwatch. All screenshots must be submitted to the race directors email to be eligible for prizes. The email is

Additionally, if you tag our Instagram (@NavyLifeNBSD) with a picture of you running, you will receive a t-shirt from one of our previous runs! Be sure to show us the post when you come get your turkey.

All prizes will be picked up at the Admiral Prout Gym on Naval Base San Diego. Turkeys are limited to one per family. Open to anyone with a military ID. Paricipants must pick up their own prize. 

Race Contact Info

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