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Beer City Santa Rosa 2.22.25

Kick off SF Beer Week in Santa Rosa with Beer City! See the sights, run the trails, and drink the brews that have made Santa Rosa famous world-round. Beer City Festival is a full day on a full weekend. Drink local and dig it!


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Beer City Half/10k/5k/Beer Stroll

$32.80 - $109.65 8:30AM - 9:15AM PST
Registration is way ahead of schedule. We will sell out!
A NEW Beer Mile!

Race The Rex Beer Mile

$32.80 11:00AM PST
Stay ahead of the T-Rex, or you are out!
Visit all the brewers!

The Beermazing Race

$0 - $11.60 1:00PM PST
We dare you. We double dare you. Cape included.

Run The Creek. Fill Your Cup!

The day starts with The Beer City Half at A Place to Play for a beautiful run around Santa Rosa Creek. Beer City includes half marathon, 10k, and 5k distances that show you a part of Santa Rosa you didn't know existed. The Beer Stroll is a 1-mile walk around A Place to Play. NEW in 2025 Pay It Forward Pace Team will be pacing the Half Marathon! 

The post-race refreshment will introduce you to some of Santa Rosa's and Sonoma County's best brewers. NEW in 2025, we are proud to have a full-featured post race pour with Henhouse, Lagunitas, Moonlight, Cotati Homebrewers and more. What better place to DRINK LOCAL than Santa Rosa?

All runners receive a shirt, Key to Beer City finisher's medal, custom tasting glass and unlimited tasting until noon.

Come spend the weekend in Santa Rosa! If you stay with one of our hotel parnters, you receive free Beer City Conceirge Service. We bring your bib, shirt and schwag directly to your hotel. See offers.


Race The Rex!

NEW for 2025, we are introducing Race the Rex, our special beer mile where you race others and our T-Rex. If the T-Rex catches you, you're out of the race. Better move quick! Race the Rex is presented by our friends at the Mendocino Running Festival and sponsored by Anderson Valley Brewing Company.

Race the Rex takes place at A Place to Play, starting at 11am.



Once the running and T-Rexing is done, join us for SHINDIG at Moonlight Brewing. Shindig is new to 2025 and is a Beer City party at a brewer we love with music, food trucks, and games. We will feature music from School of Rock Santa Rosa. Tickets cover your first beer and are available at checkout when you register. 

The Shindig is also Beer City HQ for other afternoon, fun challenges, like The Beermazing Race, which challenges you to visit 5 brewers between 1pm and 5pm to drink a pint and find the clues to your next taproom.

Also, at registration you can reserve Beer City Take Away. These are special 4, 8, and 12 packs of Santa Rosa craft beer from our partners, selected and fulfilled by Wilibees. Available for pickup at Shindig, these brews will be a selection from Moonlight, Cuver, Golden State, Iron Ox, Cooperage, and Henhouse!


The Beermazing Race

Really want to drink local? Tap in for The Beermazing Race. This is a treasure hunt that challenges you to visit 5 or more taprooms in Santa Rosa and beyond. Hop on the Beer Trolley or tag a teammate as a DD. 

Do it better and faster than everyone else. You buy your beer as you go. You receive a Beer City Cape, a Loteria card for brewers to punch, and a map are included.  Meet us back at HQ by 5pm. 


The Beer Trolley

Beer City is proud to support the Santa Rosa Beer Trolley. We have sponsored a second bus that will pickup at A Place to Play and drive to Shady Oak, Moonlight, Iron Ox, Cooperage, Cuver and Russian River. You can hop on the Trolley on any point along the route. Your rides come through approximately every 45 minutes. 

If you're taking part in the Beermazing Race, this means you can hit all of the brewers in one afternoon!

The Beer Trolley is FREE! 

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