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Project Sanctuary 20for2020

Thu October 1 - Sat October 31 Ukiah, CA 95482 US


Self-Care #PSmetime

8:00AM PDT - 5:00PM PDT


564 South Dora Street Suite A-1
Ukiah, CA US 95482


Each minute in the United States, 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner. This adds up to more than 10 million people each year experiencing domestic violence. Project Sanctuary, Mendocino County’s domestic violence and sexual assault resource center wants to encourage YOU to participate in our 20 for 2020 challenge this October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each day that you are able, we invite you to engage in a self-care or healthy family activity. In honor of survivors everywhere, take the 20for2020 challenge with us and empower yourself, your family and our community to prevent Domestic Violence.

Race Contact Info

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