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2020 Latitude 36 Trap Shoot

Sat March 14, 2020 Visalia, CA 93291 US Directions


2020 Lat 36 Trap Shoot

11:00AM PDT - 3:00PM PDT


Tulare County Trap Club
7394 Ave 328
Visalia, CA US 93291


Please join us March 14, 2020, 11:00am at the Tulare County Trap Club for the 1st Annual Latitude 36 Trap Shoot!

11:00 AM registration, open shoot, food, raffles.

12:00 PM drawing for our Gun Raffle (Kimber .45, Weatherby 12 ga., and Remington 870 12 ga.)

12:15 PM Annie Oakley Tournament (included with fees)

Please see our frequently asked questions on our website.

$40 Early Registration or $50 day of.

No cost for spectators.

Tulare County Trap Club
7394 Ave 328
Visalia, CA US 93291

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