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The Caribou Marathon relay will follow the Full Marathon course.
Distances are subject to change. All teams will be notified if that does occur.
2-8 Runners Can ParticipateMarathon Relay Registration:
4 or 8 Person Leg Distances (in miles):
Leg 1 = 3.1
Leg 2 = 3.9
Leg 3 = 3.2
Leg 4 = 3.1
Leg 5 = 2.3
Leg 6 = 5.5
Leg 7 = 2.3
Leg 8 = 2.5
All distances are in US miles. Distances subject to change.
All runners will be notified if distances or T/A’s change.
RELAY RULES! (Wicked Important)
There is NO Early-Start option for relay races.
T/A’s (Transition Areas) are the ONLY place you can trade runners. No exceptions. You will be disqualified if you exchange outside the T/A.
You can NOT substitute team members after the deadline (Sept 6th.) without notifying us. If a member cannot run, please contact a race official that day or before Sept 15th.
All relayers will start at 8 am with the half marathon at the start line.
All relay members will get a medal & a long sleeve shirt.
Top 3 teams for half marathon relay and top 3 teams for full marathon relay will be awarded.
ALL RACE PACKET FOR RELAYS must be picked up ON Sept 15th. No race day packet pick up will be available.
ALL members of the relay need to have a signed waiver on file.
The team captain does NOT have to be the one to pick up the packet.
No packet will be given if there are missing waivers or missing payments.
Any team with a minor must have a parent/guardian sign a waiver.