Rachel House Hudson
In 2002, Corporate Fitness Works was fortunate to have a Team Leader named Rachel House Hudson who fully embodied our values of customer care excellence. Sadly, Rachel lost her life in a car accident only 6 months after joining our team. In that short time, her passion for health and fitness and dedication to customer care endeared her to members and fellow teammates.
After her death, her parents established a the Rachel House Hudson Memorial Scholarship in Rachel's memory for students at Grain Valley High School. This is the school district where Rachel herself had attended school. They have since expanded these scholarships to students in all the high schools in Eastern Jackson County, Missouri. To date they awarded about $75,000.00 in scholarships
Rachel fully embodied Corporate Fitness Work's values of member dedication and excellence and made a lasting impact on our clients and company that is still felt 20 years later. We are honored to raise fund for this scholarship that helps memorialize this special Team Leader and give back to her community.