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Dash 'n Splash 10 Miler Virtual Race

Sat August 31, 2013 Anytown, CO 80021 US Directions


Any Street
Anytown, CO US 80021


When is the last time you ran through a sprinkler, fountain or creek?  This is just the event for you to relive some of your childhood memories!  The Dash 'n Splash 10 Miler offers a unique opportunity to set a 10 Mile running goal and have some fun in the process.  This is a 'virtual' event, so you may run close to home at a time convenient to you!  Prizes are awarded randomly!  Read on to learn more...

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Event Details

We've all looked longingly at the river beside our run route and just wanted to splash in to cool off!  I've frequently run by water fountains and thought how fun it would be to just run with wild abandon in front of everyone right through that fountain! Rivers, fountains, sprinklers in your neighbor's lawn...that's right: we want you to run right through them all!  (Just make sure your neighbor is okay with it and don't trample the roses!)

This race is a fun way to get a 10 miler in.  You can either run 10 miles on August 31st, or you can run 1 mile a day for the ten days leading up to August 31st (that's 10 water features to run through!) 

Race Packets: Shirts and race numbers will be mailed to you via USPS on or before August 27, 2013 for those who have registered by August 12, 2013.  (Registration will remain open through August 31, but quantities may be limited.)

Please submit your times through no later than September 9th at 8pm MST.   We will have over 20 random prizes for finishers, great discounts on our favorite running swag, as well as a fun photo contest of you splashing through a local water feature.  

Drawing for prizes will occur on September 10th and the results will be posted on Facebook ( and on  

VIRTUAL:  This is a 'virtual' race so you can do it anywhere!  Grab your friends, family and co-workers and get moving:)  10 miles in 10 days or 10 miles in 1 day.  Walk, run, jog or dance...just make sure you get wet during your run!  

Your race fee covers: a great logo'd tee shirt (your choice of cotton, or upgrade to a New Balance Tech Tank), shipping, race bib, entry into raffle for many great prizes, and potential fame if your photo is the contest winner!  :)

Splash-n-Dash Photo Contest:  To enter the photo contest portion, submit a picture of you skipping, hopping, swimming, tripping thru a local water feature:)  Submit your photo by posting it on our Facebook page. The winner will be chosen as the cover photo for 3W Races' Facebook page, and placed as the banner picture of the Dash-n-Splash webpage...and you win $25!

Random Raffle Prizes: Amazon Gift Cards, iTunes gift cards, Road ID Gift Cards, Free entries to other 3W Virtual events, Allied Medal Display, and many more!  


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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