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Mon March 29 - Sat April 3 Boulder, CO 80303 US


Anywhere (Virtual Race)
Boulder, CO US 80303



In light of the recent tragedy in Colorado town of Boulder, let's all come together and show our support in the best way we know how. We are asking our community to run in solidarity and donate to support of the victims. 100% of donations made will go directly to the Colorado Healing Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit  that contributes financial support to victims of mass casualty crimes in Colorado

Our goal is to raise $10,000 by April 3rd. And to ensure the community gets the support they need, Jackrabbit will match $1 for every mile run up to $10,000 for this event.


1. Sign up (Registration is now live!)

2. Donate (100% of the proceeds goes to the Colorado Healing Fund)

3. Run your race - any distance during the race period (MON 3/29 - FRI 4/3) (the more miles you run, the more money will be raised!!!) - be sure to upload your Strava activity to your Run Signup account

4. Upload your run activity info HERE.

5. Share your support by posting on your social with the hashtag #BoulderStrong5K

+ ask your friends to run too and donate right here to support the victims' families


Let's show some support for the Boulder community ⛰❤️





Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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