The Odyssey Odyssey Fun Run is entering its 11th year. It has always been centered around having fun and exercising our bodies. It is an all-inclusive event, which is why all the races are FREE to participate in. We will be accepting donations for entrance fees but that is not a requirement for participation. The suggested fees are $20/5k and $10/1mi. Awards to top 3 each age group as well as top 3 overall.
Don't forget your costume, judges will be awarding best dressed.
The event will be held in Lowry at the Great Lawn Park on 10/27/2024. 5k Starting at 9am and 1mi starting at 9:45am.
5k age groups: 10 and Under / 11-14 / 15+
1 mi age groups: 6 & Under/ 7-9/ 10+
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.