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Living the Thrive Life: Bone Health Edition

Sat March 25, 2023 Longmont, CO 80501 US Directions


Bone Health Clinic for Runners

10:30AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT


950 Boston Ave
Longmont, CO US 80501


Beat Back Brittle Bones By Building Better Bones with the Barbell!

Where: Training For Warriors Longmont 950 Boston Ave. Longmont 80501 (two doors west of Shoes & Brews)

When: Saturday March 25th 10:30-12:00 with coach connection time at Shoes & Brews after.

What: Join us for a morning of learning about building better bone health as we age. Dr. Michael Morrison PT, DPT of Red hammer Rehab will take us through an interactive lecture on current evidence regarding Osteopenia and Osteoporosis prevalence, diagnosis, management, and prevention. The squad at TFW will then teach you to confidently master one of the key lifts to help address low bone density. After all is said and done, we will hang at Shoes & Brews for some time for you to connect with the presenters and ask your own questions about how we can be part of your Thrive Life team.

Who should come?: Anyone over 55 should be considering bone density building strategies for life. Runners (come learn where your repeated impact lands on the scale of useful bone building, hint: there's a reason we are targeting you in this initial audience cohort), Anyone with family history of osteoporosis/ osteopenia, anyone who wants to learn a great lift for not just surviving, but thriving through life.

Why: For us, because we care and can't help but want to share, for you, because you don't want to just survive this life, you want to thrive and have the fullest life you can.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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