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And Still We Run: QuaRUNtine 2020

Mon April 20 - Sun May 31


— Location of Choice —


Was your spring race canceled or postponed? Or have you ever wanted to run a 5K or a half-marathon but never had the time to train? For many of us, getting outside to run or walk has been key to preserving our fitness and our sanity during these days of COVID-19. Here’s your chance to make those miles count in quaRUNtine 2020, a virtual road race presented by run.Windsor. Choose your distance – 5K, 10K, 13.1 miles or 26.2 miles – and complete it in a single run or walk by May 31, 2020. Submit your results and see where you stand (socially distanced, of course) among our group of participants. Prizes will be awarded to the top male and female finisher in each category and for the most creative route. Every participant gets a finisher shirt.

Participants are encouraged to run their chosen distance in their own yard or neighborhood or on their own unique route away from others, while adhering to all social distancing guidelines. A prize will be awarded for the most unique and creative route. Participants will be given access to a private Facebook group where they can share results and maps of their completed route (not required). For those who do not have a GPS device, we recommend downloading the Map My Run or Runkeeper app to plan and track your run.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

And Still We Run...

Complete your distance at the time and place of your choosing! Every registrant gets this shirt! Upon checkout, you can choose porch pickup from Windsor, CO or add shipping!


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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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