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CSC 5K Run/2 Mile Walk

Mon June 9 - Mon June 16, 2025

Virtual Race

What is a virtual race?

A virtual race can be run (or walked!) anytime and anywhere, even indoors on a treadmill. So no matter what your schedule is or where you are, you can be part of this event and a part of our community.

How does a virtual race work?

Once you register for any of the events, simply complete that distance anytime and anywhere you desire (treadmills are okay too! and after you finish upload your finish time to via the results page. 

Who can participate in this event?

Everyone! We encourage everyone of all abilities to join us and to challenge yourself! What makes a virtual race so great is that there are no course time limits so you can really tackle this challenge at your own speed!

How can I track my distance and time my run/walk?

We trust our participants and thus we do not tell you how to track your distance and time and you can choose the method that's best for you. In terms of accuracy, running on tracks is towards the top and closely following that are GPS watches. There are also numerous apps you can download for free and it's always helpful to map out a route ahead of time so you know exactly how far you're going, we've made a list of some free apps and map making websites below.Strava - free phone app (our recommended app)
RunKeeper - free phone app - map making - map making

How do I submit my results after I run or walk?

There are two ways to submit your results;While logged into runsignup, go to, click the results tab, and then click "submit virtual results". Enter your time and submit!
Log into RunSignup and click the icon in the top right of the page, then click "profile". You'll see events you're registered for, beside CoSIDA/NACDA Virtual 5K Run/2Mile Walk there will be a link during the race period that says, "Submit virtual results", click that and submit your time!

What is the race period window?

This event will take place between June 9th-June 19th 

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